Thursday 2 December 2010

World Education

World Education is dedicated to improving the lives of the poor through education, and economic and social development programs.
World Education is well known for its work around the globe in environmental education, community development, maternal and child health, school governance, integrated literacy, small enterprise development, HIV and AIDS education and prevention and care, and refugee training. World Education also works to strengthen literacy and adult basic education programs in the United States. Projects are designed to contribute to individual growth, as well as to community and national development.

Over the last few years, World Education has worked in Cambodia with UNICEF and the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Department of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) on a project to build the capacity of ministry staff and parent educators to promote children's school readiness through discovery learning play. Ms. Ouk Sophannary, an officer at the ECE Department for the last six years has
been involved in the project since April 2008

In Zimbabwe, a nine-year-old boy living with HIV knew to take his antiretroviral treatment whenever he heard the country's national anthem on the radio. The anthem is played twice per day, at sunrise and sunset—and this schedule coincided with when Kudakwashe needed to take his pills. When the radio had batteries that worked, this system worked well for Kudakwashe.

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